Why is our work important?
It’s no secret that the CPA profession is aging. Today, a full third of all OSCPA members are in their 50s and moving toward retirement. Trends point to a possible shortage of sbf111胜博发 in the near future.

And competition for the best and brightest talent has never been higher, with the increase of STEM education pulling students into science and technology fields. With the number of high school graduates in Ohio projected to decline by up to 15% over the next decade, the pool of potential future sbf111胜博发 is getting even smaller.
The Ohio CPA Foundation is committed to showcasing the accounting profession and all it has to offer to inspire students today to become the next generation of sbf111胜博发.
Learn more about the ways The Ohio CPA Foundation is supporting the future of the profession by visiting our
Programs page or by reading
Faces of the Future, our case for support.
Foundation Leadership
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees.
View the 2022-2023 board roster.
Annual Report
Learn more about our work, see our list of donors, and review our financial statements in our
most recent Annual Report.